About Cigar Savoir Faire
Bedecked with all the amenities of traditional cigar lounges along with added features to create a refined and eclectic atmosphere, Cigar Savoir Faire caters to an elite clientele with a desire to extend an unparalleled experience in cigar culture to guests and business professionals.
Whether enjoying a cigar under the stars on the Luxury Rooftop Deck with friends or discussing dividends with shareholders while nestled in a Custom Leather Captain’s Chair on the main level, Cigar Savoir Faire offers its select clientele an ambiance filled mobile space for a unique experience.
Cigar Savoir Faire, the Opulent Mobile Cigar Lounge, is available nationwide and serves as the main attraction or an enhancing element to upscale social and executive events.
- Offsite Business Meetings
- Corporate Team Building
- Mobile Marketing Campaigns
- Networking Affairs
- Social Celebrations
- Sporting Events
- Fundraisers
4 Interior Flat Screen TVs
50” Exterior Flat Screen TV
Blue-Ray Players
Surround Sound
Wine Refrigerator
Temperature Controlled Humidor
Interior Bar
Poker & Card Accessories Rooftop Deck
Leather Seating
Rabbit Air Ventilation
Corporate Private Event
Rooftop Skydeck at night